We are not experts in parenting—we call ourselves the Pretty Good Moms (not Perfect Moms) for a reason. 

However, we've surrounded ourselves with amazing friends and family who have inspired us to foster thankfulness with our kids during the Thanksgiving season. 

Here are 4 Simple Ways to Foster Thankfulness With Your Kids

1. Name something you're grateful for every day. During the week before Thanksgiving (or even the whole month of November if you're ambitious), make a daily practice of naming something you're thankful for. This can happen organically at the dinner table or maybe even right after car line. Just the act of getting into a routine of thinking about things you're grateful for changes your whole day! 

2. Write it down. Take #1 to the next level and write that thing down every day with your kids. We love these cute Amazon turkeys as a visual aid and activity (I did them myself last year—so cute to look back on)! One of these days I am going to buy The Turkey on the Table. This year I'm considering doing the Kiwi Co Gratitude Chain. It looks fun, simple, and it's free! 

3. Make someone's day. While it would be laborious to do it every day, we love the simple activity of making someone's day in the lead up to Thanksgiving by telling them why you're grateful for them. Whether it be in a handwritten letter (my favorite!) or a video message for those who cannot yet write, we recommend sending it written or recorded so the person can visit it time and time again. (If you want to go the postcard route, I've been using Ink Cards for years! So easy and such good quality!) Think: grandparents, friends, teachers, babysitters, etc.

4. Read all about it. Reading is a go-to to infuse meaning into holidays and celebrations for my family. Grab a few books on the topic of Thanksgiving or gratitude and read them at bedtime leading up to the holiday. We love Just a Special Thanksgiving, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, I Am ThankfulThe Berenstain Bears Give ThanksThankfuland even this 3 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids

Now, if you're anything like me, 4 things to do in the busiest time of year is plenty—ha! So, I'll leave it there for now. More importantly, I can't wait to hear what you do to foster thankfulness with your kids this year! Tell me over on Instagram.