Fall. It’s the magical time of year when kids are back in school, you can finally go outside without melting into a puddle and weekends are filled with football, snacks, and couch naps.

But, this glorious season also comes with a big pile of shoulds—things we feel like we’re supposed to be doing, but rarely end up being worth it.

Therefore, Pretty Good Mom to Pretty Good Mom, we’re (politely) excusing you from ridiculous seasonal expectations and reminding you to choose what you love about the season and leave the rest behind guilt free.

We hereby give you permission to say no to the following, in no particular order:
  • Boots, socks, and scarves when the pumpkin patch / apple orchard / corn maze is above 75 degrees. Or, skip the itchy, sweaty, crowded outing entirely. The picture you have in your mind really won’t be that adorable when you suffer a heat stroke or feel the sweat dripping down your body underneath what’s sure-to-be an adorable sweater. Save it for the cold temps, mama.
  • Trying to explain to your kids why football doesn’t count as screen time for adults.
  • Making a Halloween costume for your kids. This is a haaaaaaaaaard no for us. Also, all Halloween costumes for adults.
  • Guilt over cranking the AC so you can light a fall candle, sip something PSL, or bake something seasonal.
  • Baking said pumpkin things from scratch, and instead swinging by Trader Joe’s or the local bakery.
  • Sending your kid’s fall gift wrap / cookie dough / assorted nonsense fundraiser to everyone you’ve ever met, and instead just sending a check directly to the school. (#NoShame)
  • Decorating your porch, swapping out a fall doormat, or hanging a seasonal wreath.
  • Yucking anyone else’s yums over whatever fall chaos they do decide to participate in.
If you love any of these things, OF COURSE you have our full enthusiasm for participating wholeheartedly! We’ll be cheering you on… from our couches… with the AC at full blast.