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If you don't have a gift closet, you don't know what you're missing out on, my friend. Buckle up!

gift closet wrapping

What in the world is a gift closet?

A Gift Closet, in my mind at least, is defined as a fun space designated for gifts for those you love and those you forget to buy things for.

Gift Closets are there to help you. To save you when you forget to buy a gift. To allow you a place to store gifts that you actually manage to buy ahead of time so you won't lose them. To have a nice stash of quality items you found at great prices that you can give to those you love when you need to.

What if I don't have a spare closet?

Notice how I said, "space," and not "beautifully designed and Container-Store-level closet". It's called a Gift Closet because Gift Space and Gift Spot and Gift Area just don't have the best ring to them.

Nonetheless, not all of us are fortunate enough to have a full closet to dedicate to gifts. In fact, our master closet is so tiny, I currently just use a 3-drawer plastic system from Target that is shoved underneath out-of-season clothes. I have a drawer for Jack (my son), Annie (my daughter), and a drawer of gifts to give as-needed!

My mom had a small closet in her bedroom dedicated to this. Something about it made me so happy. I never dared peek in there (against the rules!), but she always had something on-hand if we needed it. Even to this day, she keeps a variety of wonderful gifts on-hand for anyone and any occasion.

Other possible real estate for your gift collection: a drawer, an empty storage bin, under your bed—really the options are limitless. Doesn't have to be glamorous or Pinterest-worthy to get the job done.

So, how do you stock this so-called Gift Closet?

Great question. Let's discuss.

Suggested times to add to your Gift Closet:

  • When you find a great sale (this includes: Prime Day, Black Friday/Cyber Monday, warehouse sales at your favorite boutique, etc.)
  • At the end of a season when stores are clearing out inventory
  • When you find something that makes you think of someone you love
  • When you are gifted something you may never use but know someone else may

What should be in my Gift Closet?

Another goodie. Here are our recommendations for starters.

Basics you should consider keeping in your Gift Closet:
  • Persnickety Birthday Bundles (these are perfect to gift as-is, or you can break them up and give them as individual gifts for the littles in your life!)
  • Any arts and crafts kit
  • A few trendy toys
  • Play doh, slime, or kinetic sand kits
  • A puzzle or two
  • Gift cards (we recommend Persnickety 😜, Target, Amazon, and Starbucks)
  • Books you love (regifting is a wonderful thing when it comes to books—especially when there's a personal touch like a note inside or something highlighted!)
  • For mamas: candles you love, dish towels that brighten a kitchen, meaningful journals, etc.
  • Wrapping materials such as gift bags, tissue paper, wrapping paper, tape, a Sharpie, and ribbons and tags (if you're feeling fancy). I have this on the back of my door to keep these materials organized. 
  • A few cute but generic cards that can be used for anything (we love the Joyful Greeting Cards Boxed Set from Cultivate What Matters)

We give gifts to show someone that we love and care about them—to gesture generosity and thoughtfulness. Gift Closets make this sometimes overwhelming task easy-peasy.