Let's just start this post out with a disclaimer. This is the Pretty Good Mom Spring Bucket List, not the Extraordinary Mom Spring Bucket List. You will not find glitter-filled crafts or DIY costumes or Pinterest-worthy parties. Let's keep the bar right where it belongs—somewhere slightly above "okay". 

Now that the disclaimer has been disclaimed, let's get to it!

SPRING! ALAS! It's coming, despite that lousy Groundhog casting 6 additional weeks of winter upon us. (Doesn't he know there's an army of mamas that are utterly desperate for sunshine and warmer weather?)

Every season yields reason to celebrate, but we think spring is particularly wonderful. Finally, the weather warms up! There are more hours in the day. There's more beautiful sunshine. The outdoor creatures are particularly cheerful in spring. Everything is green (after the #YellowStorm of pollen). Flowers bloom. The seasonal berries. You don't have to bundle up for walks and outdoor play, but you aren't sweating your sunscreen off just yet. You can open your windows! Ahhh, spring is just the best.

Having a memorable spring doesn't have to be complicated. You can enjoy the delights of spring with your kids with simple adventures.

Here's your 2024 Spring Bucket List:

  1. Visit a Farmers' Market. This is such a fun way to spend a Saturday morning. Our local Farmers' Market (the Durham Farmers' Market) has the best produce and local goodies. Plus, you can always bring home a spring bouquet at a more affordable price than I typically find at the grocery store. 
  2. Make Lemonade. Whether fresh squeezed or Country Time, sold at a ridiculous markup to gullible neighbors or enjoyed (spilled) on the front porch, this sticky sweet treat is guaranteed to give you all the spring feels.
  3. Celebrate Pi Day. March 14—3.14—is the day of Pi. Celebrate with sweet pie or savory pizza pie... or both. Yes, definitely both.
  4. Enjoy a picnic. We're not talking fancy baguette and brie here. Pack a few Lunchables, juice boxes, and cookies, and take a blanket to the backyard or a park you love. An easy way to enjoy some sunshine! Now, if you are the fancy picnic type, you do you. Just also invite me. 😘
  5. Go "chalk" a friend's house. When I was younger, we loved going "chalking". Take some chalk to a friend's sidewalk and write them some fun messages or draw a picture! This chalk has amazing reviews and is washable. 
  6. Hunt for frogs. A classic activity! 
  7. Wash your car. Put the kids to "work" and let them get wet and soapy. You'll have a clean(ish) car annnnd you can skip bath time that night. 😜
  8. Climb a tree. We're not trying to promote danger here, but climbing a reasonable tree is a childhood rite of passage. 
  9. Go strawberry picking and make something tasty. If you're lucky enough to live near a strawberry patch, you must go pick your own! It's not spring in the Carolinas unless you've taken a kid strawberry picking and posted a picture on Instagram. Plus, you can make a delicious treat (we love homemade strawberry ice cream or a homemade strawberry cake).
  10. Plant something and watch it grow. We love an activity that teaches patience and consistency. Plant something fun with your kiddo—whether you do it in the ground or in a homemade container—and watch it grow together! We love colorful zinnias or a simple herb you can use in the kitchen. This kit is great! 
  11. Feed the ducks. If you have a pond or body of water locally, find a spot with ducks and bring a loaf of bread. 
  12. Visit the Zoo. Go see their favorite animals and enjoy the sunshine—enough said! If you're feeling extra, grab a few of our animal figurines to take along with you (monkey, Bengal tiger, and zebra). 
  13. Paint rocks. It never ceases to amaze me how much kids love to paint rocks. Find some rocks in the neighborhood and whip out any paint you have laying around. It's a hit, every single time. Truly baffling. For extra credit (and most importantly, fewer rocks in your house), leave the painted creations as a surprise on a friend's or neighbor's porch. 
  14. Dance in the rain. When you see a storm brewing, get on some clothes you can ruin and go dance in the rain. 
  15. Splash in puddles. Don't forget to splash in the puddles, too! Bonus points if your kids have rain boots that actually fit. As for me and my family, we'll be splashing barefoot. 🤪 We can, however, vouch for the Croc rain boots. They're great. 
  16. Spot a rainbow. They are always magical, no matter how old you are! 
  17. Pick flowers. Picking flowers is one of childhood's greatest delights. Grow your own, find a tulip field, or consult a green-thumbed neighbor and make a bouquet to enjoy inside! (Just maybe make sure you have permission before raiding a neighbor's garden...)
  18. Do a spring craft or two. Because we're less creative than the average mom, we always recommend a craft kit. We love the Rainbow Craft Kit, these Totally Paper Planes, the Create Your Own Origami Butterflies, these sun catchers, these butterflies, this giant spring coloring poster, this DIY button bouquet, and the DIY Pirate Swords Craft Kit

Remember, you have 3 whole months to celebrate spring—pace yourself. We can't wait to hear what you choose to do. And, PLEASE, post pictures and tag us. We'd love to see your Spring adventures!

P.S. Buying your Done-For-You Easter Baskets from us will make your spring a lot more, ehem, enjoyable. Start and finish your Easter Basket shopping right now!