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Once a month, we send you an email with a handful of things to help make the month ahead a Certified Pretty Good Time.

An Easy Mom Win

The 4th is upon us! Check to see if your neighborhood or city has a fun (and free!) parade to enjoy, plan a cookout or a day at the pool, and pick a fun, festive activity!

On the Menu

Irene's been eating lunch at the pool more days than not right now, and she is her kids are obsessed with Lunchables. But she's been making a healthier, homemade version by loading up slices of cheese, deli meat, whole grain crackers, and fruit in these containers. Julie, on the other hand, is dying to try this cake recipe.

Favorites from the Interwebs

Something that made us laugh and something else that made us think. We're thankful for those in our life that enjoy all our many versions.

What We're Bingeing

Is it just us or are we seriously lacking in feel-good TV these days? Well, Julie found Shrinking and it's just so bingeable and so heartwarming. (Warning: This is definitely for adults only - TV-MA!)

Currently Saving Our Sanity

If you don't have Boogie Boards in your car or busy bag, you are doing car rides wrong. These suckers keep Julie's kids busy for at least 10-15 minutes every car ride!

Something for Mom

Treat yo' self to the Cadillac of facial sunscreens and make those constant summer reapplications a literal delight. IYKYK.

Plan Ahead

It may seem like an eternity right now, but the Back-to-School buzz is only a month away! You'll be so grateful you started your hunt for your favorite back-to-school goodies—especially if you want something monogrammed.

Remember our pro tip if you love shopping for school supplies, too: pick your battles, mama. Pick one or two things (like the adorable water bottle or scented gel pens) you love and buy them to surprise your child—then, succumb to all the cringey character-laden supplies. We all remember Julie's obsession with these outrageously-expensive STATE backpacks, but Pottery Barn Kids and LL Bean are pretty cute, too.

Yours in good enough parenting,

P.S. Keep your eyes on your inbox! We have something fun coming next week in the shop that we've NEVER DONE BEFORE. (Oh, the intrigue!)